On December 10, Vice President Joe Biden announced that $100 million of new Federal money is to be injected into the US mental health system “…to expand community-based services and treatment centers.” There’s a short article about this in the Washington Post. It’s written by Scott Wilson, the Post’s chief White House correspondent.
The article states that the “…inadequacy of mental health and addiction care…” is a topic that “…gained urgency after the school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, a year ago, a crime carried out by a mentally disturbed gunman.” This is a reference to 20-year-old Adam Lanza, who killed 20 children and 6 adult staff, himself, and his mother in the incident.
On December 11, NBC ran a segment on the same topic. In the transcript, Joe Biden is quoted as saying:
“The fact that less than half of children and adults with diagnosable mental health problems receive the treatment they need is unacceptable…”
But what no politician, left, right or in between, is willing to acknowledge is that the expansion of the ranks of the “mentally ill” is entirely a function of DSM expansion, and that the image of more than half of these individuals languishing untreated is nothing more than pharma-psychiatric propaganda. In reality, the individuals who are untreated are better off, in that they are spared the damaging effects of the drugs, and in this regard it needs to be noted that Adam Lanza was actually treated.
It has been widely reported that he was taking a psycho-pharmaceutical product at the time of the shooting. It is also noteworthy that according to the organization Able Child, Connecticut Assistant Attorney, General Patrick B. Kwanashie, has refused to release Adam Lanza’s medical records for fear that it would “…cause a lot of people to stop taking their medications.”
Whose interests are being served by this piece of bureaucratic censorship?
There is growing and credible evidence of a link between psycho-pharmaceutical products, especially SSRI’s, and acts of suicide and violence. But neither the government nor the mainstream media will take the matter seriously and push for a full-scale inquiry. The “logic” underlying this head-in-the-sand attitude is presumably the same as that of Mr. Kwanashie, quoted above: that it might induce “mentally ill” people to “come off their meds.”
And “mentally ill” people coming off their “meds” will, as everyone knows, cause the sky to fall. Has anyone noticed that there were far fewer angry young men shooting up schools before the drugs became the panacea for virtually every human problem?
Pharma-psychiatry is devoid of critical self-scrutiny. They will never stop, or even slow down, their expansionist activity voluntarily. A gravy train has no brakes.
They will only let up when the penalties for their fraud and venality begin to exceed their profits, and that will only happen if we continue to write and speak out. If you’re not already doing so, please let your voice be heard. There is no “mental illness” epidemic. The reports of this so-called epidemic are marketing hype designed and orchestrated to expand psychiatric turf and sell more drugs.