I know from my own experience and from emails I receive from readers that a great many non-psychiatrists who work in the mental health system have seen through the psychiatric hoax. These individuals, who are growing in number, realize that the problems for which clients seek help are not illnesses in any meaningful sense of the term. They also realize that the psychiatrically-controlled mental health system, with its emphasis on drugs and electric shocks, is doing enormous harm to the people it purports to serve.
Most of these workers try to adapt. They try to work around the meaningless “diagnoses” and the pill-for-every-problem approach, and they seek ways to be genuinely helpful to the clients.
A few days ago, through the Tell Your Story tab on my website, I received an article from one such individual. It’s a powerful account of the author’s struggle with the inanities of psychiatric care, and his eventual exit from the system.
Please take a look, and pass it on.