During my teenage years I met the World Health Organization’s criteria for “schizoid personality disorder”. At the time, I did not consider the possibility that there might be anything wrong with me. Instead, I believed that my isolation was a result of a lack of social understanding. So at age eighteen, when I left… Continue Reading
A Norwegian psychiatrist has written a book for children with the title «Pappa’n min er syk i tankene sine», which translates into «My daddy is ill in his thoughts». I applaud her wish to help children understand what is going on when a parent is having mental problems. I also disagree with the belief system she… Continue Reading
The Galvanizing of a POOR HISTORIAN
In hospital ED records from 2007, there is a mention made by a doctor who was dictating his activities, observations of and involvement with me during 5 hours, that I am a”poor historian.” Ironically, I have to this day never met with or even seen this doctor, and vice versa. The conclusion was followed by a little post-script stating… Continue Reading
Dead from Meds
My sister was diagnosed at that difficult time when she had to get a job after college. She was shy and fearful too, about life but not growing up in the cocoon of a large family, the youngest of 6 children. I was the oldest girl and required to work at the family business every summer starting at 9… Continue Reading