On March 5, 2013, a bipartisan panel of leading mental health experts and parents of children with “mental disorders” held a conversation (that’s newspeak for meeting) in Washington D.C. on the topic: Violence and Severe Mental Illness. The invited panelists were: Thomas Insel, MD, Director of NIMH Harold Koplewicz, MD, President of Child Mind Institute… Continue Reading
Anti-psychotic Drugs in Nursing Homes
I’ve recently come across an article from the Manchester Guardian on this topic. The article is by Sarah Boseley, and is a review of a UK study in the Journal of the American Geriatric Society written by Aideen Maguire, C. Hughes, Chris Cardwell, and Dermot O’Reilly. The researchers examined the Northern Ireland prescribing database and… Continue Reading
Play Therapy
I came across an interesting article Psychiatric Medication or Play Therapy? by Bob Fiddaman, a New Zealand writer. The article compares the efficacy and dangers of play therapy vs. pharmaceutical products for children with various problems. Here are some quotes: “…play therapy outcome studies support the efficacy of this intervention with children suffering from various… Continue Reading
Muddled Thinking and Psychiatric “Diagnoses”
Until just a few years ago, the spurious nature of mental illness received little or no attention either in professional circles or in the general media. There were a few of us “cranks” who poked away at the issue, but peer condemnation was usually swift and outspoken. On one occasion I was called an “anti-science… Continue Reading