There was an interesting article Big pharma mobilising patients in battle over drugs trials data in last Sunday’s Guardian, a UK newspaper. It was written by Ian Sample, the Guardian’s science correspondent. Here are the two opening sentences: “The pharmaceutical industry has ‘mobilised’ an army of patient groups to lobby against plans to force companies… Continue Reading
The CAFE Study: Dr. Lieberman’s High Moral Ground
BACKGROUND The CAFE Study, conducted by Jeffrey Lieberman, MD, et al between 2002 and 2005, has been the subject of much comment. Carl Elliott, in particular, has written extensively on the matter, including his article The Deadly Corruption of Clinical Trials in Mother Jones. In order to address the issues involved in the CAFE study, we… Continue Reading
Pharma Payments to Psychiatrists
On March 12 of this year, the Los Angeles Daily News ran an article by Susan Abram titled: Doctors report big pharma payouts for drug endorsements. It discusses the financial ties between physicians and drug companies in California. Here are some quotes: “In fact, hundreds of physicians, psychiatrists, and medical school faculty members across California… Continue Reading
Postpartum Depression Not an Illness
BACKGROUND The primary purpose of the bio-psychiatric-pharma faction is to expand turf and sell more drugs. This is a multi-faceted endeavor, one component of which is disease mongering. This consists of using marketing techniques to persuade large numbers of people that they have an illness which needs to be treated with drugs. With regards to… Continue Reading